Welcome to the Kids’ Kindness Club!
Being kind is the best thing you can be. So we’ve created a Kindness Club just for kids. If you haven’t already, click below to join the club (it’s free!) and you will receive our fortnightly Kindness Club email.
Click here to join the club!

We’re inviting YOU to take part in our five day Kindness Challenge to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week. There are amazing prizes to be won – watch Greig’s video for all the information that you need. Good luck!
Deadline: 1st March 2025
EARN your Kindness Badge (Updated!)
The Purple Kids’ Kindness Club badge is awarded for showing kindness to yourself, to others and to the planet. To find out what you need to do to earn your badge, click below to download the application form. If you are a school planning to do this activity with a large number of children, please get in touch with us beforehand so we can ensure we can fulfil your badge requests! Thank you


Join Ned and hear his kind stories for February – and remember that even just hearing kind stories helps you to feel happier inside. You might even see some familiar faces in this edition!
We also LOVE hearing your kind news stories. Download our Kind News activity sheet to tell us your own kind news! Simply email a photo of it and your story could be featured on Kind News.
Competition Time
We’re inviting YOU to take part in our five day Kindness Challenge to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week. There are amazing prizes to be won – including a Kindness Bench for your school from NBB recycled Furniture! Watch Greig’s video for all the information that you need. Good luck!
Deadline: 1st March 2025.
Were you paying attention to Greig's video? Take our quiz and find out.

We love it when you enter our Kindness Challenges! Vivi from Roundwood Primary School entered our ‘5 things I like about you’ challenge – and she won! We love your ideas Vivi, we hope you enjoy spending your toy voucher.
Well done Vivi!
Book of the Month
Kind, by Alison Green
This is a beautiful book for all ages, illustrating lots of ways to be kind – perfect for Random Acts of Kindness Week. It features so many well-known illustrators, including The Gruffalo’s Axel Scheffler.
Extra Activities
Our Kind activity is linked to Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme of ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. It is a fab activity to really think about what is important to you.
We’d love to see what kind things you’ve been up to! If you’d like to share a photo of something kind you have done (for yourself or for someone else) ask a parent or guardian to send it to us.
Self-Kindness tip of the month:
Spend more time off-screens this month – and do something else that you love. Maybe make a junk model, explore the garden for signs of spring, write a song! Something that helps you feel happy and looks after your mental health.
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