Bringing little ideas to life 

Small Grants of up to £250 
Open to children from Year 1 through to Sixth Form

The Kindness Fund provides funding for amazing ideas. Why? Because we want to live in a kind world – and that starts with every single one of us. At the School of Kindness, we work with thousands of children and teachers every year to help create kinder schools, and inspire people to be kind.  But we think the best ideas for spreading kindness are probably still waiting to be discovered…

We want to encourage children to think about what they could do to create a kinder classroom, kinder school, kinder community and kinder world. So the The Kindness Fund can provide small grants of up to £250 to help bring amazing ideas to life.

The Kindness Fund is open to children in the UK from Key Stage 1 through to Sixth Form. Funds will usually be granted via the child’s school, however, in cases where children are homeschooled applications may be submitted directly from parents.

Please note that if you accept a grant from us, we ask that you create a Kind News story to help us inspire others. (You can see our Kind News segment here

Please read our Guidelines for The Kindness Fund before making an application. The guidelines also provide details of the application deadlines. 

Some of our past grant recipients include Ava, who held a coffee morning at her local residential home, twin sisters who provided Christmas presents for people in need,  Belle, who started a strong girl’s club in her school, and a 10 year old girl who kickstarted a kindness movement in her school and produced a short film on kindness.


Your details:-

Details of supervising adult submitting the application

The Idea:-

Please tell us about your idea (this should be in the child's own words, with some help if needed)
Please give us as much information as you can to help us understand your proposal.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please add any supporting documents you may have in PDF or Word Format.
Please tick this box to confirm you have read and understood the guidelines / terms and conditions. The school / organisation you work for must be aware of this application for funding. Any funds granted will be given to your school / organisation, who will administer the use of these funds. Within the guidelines, there is an obligation for your school to create a Kind News story for our Kids' Kindness Club about the grant.
Before submitting this form, please click here to read our privacy policy and tick the box to confirm that you have read the policy notice and consent to the processing of your personal data and sensitive personal data.


52 Lives,
PO Box 3154
Reading, RG1 9AT


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