52 Lives and School of Kindness founder Jaime Thurston has been named in the The Independent 10th annual Happy List, which names 50 outstanding people whose volunteering, caring, fundraising, mentoring, charity work or selflessness make Britain a happier place to live. The list highlights inspirational heroes and heroines who deserve to be celebrated for their kindness, courage and selflessness.The Happy List was founded in 2008 as an antidote to the lists that celebrate status and big bank balances. Instead, it honours the Great Britons doing extraordinary things for others.
Jaime said: “I love that such a thing as a ‘Happy List’ exists! The list is filled with so many inspiring people, and I feel so honoured to be alongside them. I may have started 52 Lives but it only works because of all of the lovely people who support it by offering kindness to people they’ve never even met.
“Thank you to the wonderful people at The Independent for celebrating positive things. The Happy List is described as the antidote to lists that celebrate wealth or fame. I love that – let’s make being kind and doing good in the world something people aspire to.”
The full list is here, and it’s well worth a read….so many amazing people doing wonderful things for the world.