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Kindness Awards
Proudly sponsored by
The Week Junior
Scamp & Dude
NBB Recycled Furniture
Einstein Tax

Thank you all so much for making our first ever national Kindness Awards for schools such a success. We received so many nominations across all categories and reading about the kindness happening in schools all over the country has been pure joy.

The judges did not have an easy job – kindness is not easily quantifiable, so it was an incredibly challenging award to judge. Please know that even if you didn’t win an award, what you are doing to spread kindness in your school and community is making a difference to the world and you are all so important. Everyone nominated will receive a certificate.

Now, on to the results…


Individual Pupil Kindness Awards

Winner to be announced soon!

This Outstanding Kindness Award will be awarded to an individual pupil who has demonstrated an exceptional level of kindness within their school or community during the 2023/24 school year.

Winner to be announced in early July…check back soon!

Individual Adult Kindness Awards

Winner to be announced soon!

This Outstanding Kindness Award will be awarded to an individual adult working within a school who has demonstrated an exceptional level of kindness during the 2023/24 school year.

Winner to be announced by early July! Check back soon


Class or Group Kindness Awards

Meet the winners...

This Collective Kindness Award is awarded to a class or school group that has demonstrated an exceptional level of kindness during the 2023/24 school year.

We are very excited to announce that Cara-Diane and Tilly, two amazing students from Stretton Sugwas Academy in Hereford, have won the Collective Kindness Award!

Their incredible initiative, a Kindness Podcast, has inspired their peers and made a huge impact on their school community. The podcast encourages everyone to spread kindness, and their dedication has now been recognised on a national level.

Tilly said: “Mr Ford told us we were just interviewing Jaime and Greig from the School of Kindness on our podcast and then they turn up with an award. We never expected that!”

Cara-Diane said: “I don’t know what to say….thank you!”

The judging panel included: Jo Tutchener Sharp (founder and CEO of Scamp & Dude), Emily Coxhead (author and founder of the Happy Newspaper), St Chad’s Primary School Kindness Ambassadors, and Manjit Darby MBE (Senior Nurse and Non-Exec Director, NHS).

The girls were nominated by their headteacher, Mr Ford, who said: “I’m so proud of the girls. Through their own ideas, they’ve created a legacy of kindness that will be built on by the next crop of budding podcasters.”

Jo from Scamp & Dude (who also kindly sponsored this award) said: “Being a judge at the Kindness Awards has been an incredibly rewarding experience. These awards are a perfect match for what we do at Scamp & Dude, as we believe in kindness as a superpower – especially among impressionable young minds. I’m so proud to celebrate these winners who embody the spirit of kindness in everything they do.” 

The girls’ prizes include lots of goodies from Scamp & Dude, and subscriptions to The Week Junior magazine and The Happy Newspaper. 🌈✨

Congratulations to Cara-Diane and Tilly for making the world a kinder place!

Watch the moment they were surprised with their award…


Kind School Awards

Meet the winning school...

The Kind School Award is awarded to a school that is creating and embedding a culture of kindness, putting kindness and wellbeing at the heart of what they do.


We are thrilled to announce that the winner of our national Kind School Award for 2024 is Underbank Primary School in Scotland.

This incredible recognition celebrates the school’s outstanding efforts in fostering a culture of kindness and helping everyone feel valued and supported.

The school has introduced a range of initiatives to encourage self-kindness, kindness to others and kindness to the planet. And their kindness extends beyond the school gates, with charitable work in their local community.

Underbank Primary School was selected for the Kind School Award by a distinguished panel of judges, including Prof. Robin Banerjee, Dr Jeremy Hannay, Vincent Brittain and Beth McKenna.

The judges said kindness was clearly woven into the fabric of the school community and they were truly impressed by the many different ways the school nurtured kindness.

They were also so impressed with the fantastic array of schools in the shortlist, saying there was a ‘truly inspiring ethos of kindness.’

Head teacher at Underbank Primary school, Mrs Margo Millar, said, “We are delighted to receive this recognition of our continuous effort to promote kindness in our school and community.The importance of being kind and the many benefits to oneself and to others can’t be underestimated. A school community is the perfect environment to promote a kind and caring culture.”

“We are very proud of this achievement and hope that our pupils and school community continue to spread love and kindness over the summer.”

As well as the honour of being crowned as our ‘Kind School’ for 2024, Underbank Primary School will also receive a Kindness Table for their playground, donated by the kind people at NBB Recycled Furniture, a kind book bundle for their school library, and subscriptions to The Week Junior and Happy Newspaper.

Just a few of the many examples of Underbank’s kind initiatives include:

  • The appointment of pupil Kindness Ambassadors, who contribute to kindness assemblies in the school
  • ‘Caught being kind’ stickers given out in the playground by adults and pupils
  • Kindness lessons embedded in the curriculum
  • Community outreach projects, such as inviting local elderly residents for coffee and cake events at the schools.
  • Regular fundraising for charity.
  • Forest school pupils helping in the community park to keep local pathways clear.
  • Teaching meditation and mindfulness and the installation of cosy corners and wellbeing areas in the school.
  • The practice of restorative conversations to resolve any conflicts when they arise.

Watch the moment Underbank pupils found out they won the award…

Kindness Lifts the Spirits

When we’re kind, everyone’s a winner! BUT we do also have some special prizes for our Kindness Awards winners.

All nominees, whether winners or not, will receive a certificate congratulating them on being nominated. All winners and runners-up will receive National Kindness Award certificates and trophies.

In addition:

  • The Pupil and Adult Kindness Award winners will each receive a £50 gift voucher, a signed book bundle, and a six month subscription to The Week Junior and Happy Newspaper.
  • The Collective Kindness Award winners will receive clothing from the kind people at Scamp & Dude, a signed book bundle for the classroom, and a six month subscription to The Week Junior and The Happy Newspaper for the class / group.
  • The major Kind School Award winner will receive a ‘School of Kindness’ Picnic Table for their playground donated by the kind people at NBB Recycled Furniture, a plaque to display proudly in their school, the use of a Kind School Award winner logo and a six month subscription to The Week Junior and The Happy Newspaper for their school.
Kindness Bench

The judges will choose one winner and one runner up in each category.

Winning individuals, groups/classes and schools will receive an in-person visit from Jaime Thurston and other colleagues from the School of Kindness to present their prizes.

Runners up will be announced on our website and sent their awards by post, along with a personal message from Jaime Thurston.

Nominate Now
Nominations Open:
13th November 2023
Nominations Close:
30th April 2024
Winners announced:
June 2024

A big thank you to the NHS staff who used their volunteering days to help with this project