We are thrilled to announce that Donna Ashworth is now a Patron of 52 Lives.
Donna is a poet and best-selling author whose words have captured the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world.
Donna has been helping the charity behind the scenes in all sorts of ways already and we are so happy to have her on board.
In March, Donna worked with us on a new lesson plan for Key Stages 1 and 2, based on our favourite poem by her, called ‘You’. The poem is about the impact each one of us has on the world… perhaps without even realising it. Donna also recorded a special reading of the poem for us!
As patron, Donna’s support will help us to reach more people, and spread more kindness.
Donna said: ‘Leading with kindness, learning how to be kind, and leaning about the science and social aspects of what kindness can do within a community is hugely important, if not fundamentally vital. Leading with kindness every day will change everything, and that includes yourself too. You’re only a kind person if you’re kind to yourself too!’